In recent months and years, we have seen an increased awareness of and compassion for marginalized groups, accompanied by a vigorous dialogue about their status in our society. While we intuitively know that discrimination is wrong, we have been indifferent to its prevalence for too long. Countless perspectives and experiences shape our world, yet important voices continue to be ignored or silenced. At The Vine Agency and our sister company, Cave Spring Vineyard, we are committed to hearing these voices and fostering change that will benefit marginalized communities by encouraging Equity, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI).

Our companies will continue to flourish only if we are committed to ensuring that every member of our team, industry and community has a fair and equal opportunity for success. To this end, we have established an internal committee that actively seeks to cooperate in meaningful ways with organizations that promote EDI for those who identify as BIPOC or LGBTQ+, people with disabilities, and women in our industry and communities.

To date, we have brought this commitment to life by:

  1. Arranging EDI information sessions and creating an EDI resource guide to assist our entire team in its path forward.
  2. Holding our company and supplier partners accountable for their EDI practices.
  3. Seeking out new winery and supplier partners with ownership ties to marginalized communities.
  4. Making financial contributions to organizations working on behalf of marginalized communities, including:

• Vinequity

• Community Food Centres

• Red Door Family Shelter

• The Children's Book Bank

• The Gord Downie & Chanie Wenjack Fund

• Pathstone Foundation

In recent months and years, we have seen an increased awareness of and compassion for marginalized groups, accompanied by a vigorous dialogue about their status in our society. While we intuitively know that discrimination is wrong, we have been indifferent to its prevalence for too long. Countless perspectives and experiences shape our world, yet important voices continue to be ignored or silenced. At The Vine Agency and our sister company, Cave Spring Vineyard, we are committed to hearing these voices and fostering change that will benefit marginalized communities by encouraging Equity, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI).

Our companies will continue to flourish only if we are committed to ensuring that every member of our team, industry and community has a fair and equal opportunity for success. To this end, we have established an internal committee that actively seeks to cooperate in meaningful ways with organizations that promote EDI for those who identify as BIPOC or LGBTQ+, people with disabilities, and women in our industry and communities.

To date, we have brought this commitment to life by:

  1. Arranging EDI information sessions and creating an EDI resource guide to assist our entire team in its path forward.
  2. Holding our company and supplier partners accountable for their EDI practices.
  3. Seeking out new winery and supplier partners with ownership ties to marginalized communities.
  4. Making financial contributions to organizations working on behalf of marginalized communities, including:

• Vinequity

• Community Food Centres

• Red Door Family Shelter

• The Children's Book Bank

• The Gord Downie & Chanie Wenjack Fund

• Pathstone Foundation