This is a quintessential family story dating back to the early 1800s. It is a story about strength and marriage that overcomes the burden of the strict French inheritance laws. It is a story of passion and terroir. And it really gets going midway through the 20th century.
1953: Jean Waris inherits the vineyards in AVIZE. In turn his son, Alain, inherits the vineyards from his father and grows the holdings from 6ha to 28ha.
1964: Alain marries Odile from the neighbouring village of CRAMANT. She brings with her some vineyards that she has inherited. They have 3 children, including Olivier.
1995: Olivier joins the family wine business.
1998: Olivier marries Stéphanie Hubert who brings with her some vineyards from the village of GRAUVES that she had inherited from her grandmother.
1999: Olivier and Stéphanie create a new Champagne company called WARIS-HUBERT. Today, they make Champagnes from many prestigious sites. These are located in the Grand Cru of Avize, Chouilly, Cramant, Oger and Aÿ along with 1er Cru sites in Grauves and Bisseuil as well as some other precious sites in Barbone-Fayel, Marfaux, Merrey-sur-Arce, and Monthelon.
In total, Olivier and Stéphanie farm over 11ha. The vineyards are farmed biodynamically with incredible attention to detail. Horses plow the 90 year old vines. The wines are produced with low dosage to allow the sites to truly express themselves. Olivier keeps careful notes on each of his cuvées, 42 in total, recording where the grapes originated from (plot by plot), the acidity, alcohol and other pertinent information. All of which is critical when it comes to putting the blends together. A task for the whole family.
The final outcome is 11 very distinct Champagnes, each selected for specific characteristics and the expression of their terroir.